Hannah Capon (CAM - Canine Arthritis Management) | RC2022

60 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD

Canine osteoarthritis is a, if not the, leading cause of elective euthanasia in the UK, afflicting the dog for the longest and causing the most severe clinical signs of all common complaints seen in first opinion practice.

Now labelled a welfare concern alongside obesity and dental disease; but a household name, overlooked and accepted.

Every owner wishes their dog to have a comfortable full and long life so how can we achieve this with osteoarthritis being a key candidate preventing this.

This webinar looks at the underlying causes of OA, and strategies we can employ to minimise its prevalence.

  1. be able to recite the current figures of OA in dogs in the UK
  2. understand the dominant aetiologies behind OA
  3. review simply pathophysiology of the disease
  4. note key influences in the development and progression
  5. be able to direct your clients to evidence based reliable resources