Catherine Rolfe Grad Dip VN RVN FHEA

45 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD

Why is it that you can have two students each equally competent in practice, and one passes their OSCEs and the other fails and perhaps goes on to fail again?

Beyond the practical OSCE preparation that we help our students with is what is sometimes referred to as the mental game, which as we’ll explore in this talk, underpins everything.

In this presentation, we’ll look at some of the science behind how elements such as sleep, mindset, awareness, language and visualisation impact practical performance and how this knowledge can be used to help your students to OSCE success and beyond.

Meg Richards FdSc RVN Canine Hydrotherapist

40 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD

Does your student struggle with their revision? Do they dread their exams? This presentation will help you to guide your student through their exam periods, giving you revision tips and tricks to pass on. It will offer you creative revision ideas, games and much more to help them to retain information.

This talk aims to go a long way to helping you to help your student feel more prepared and confident heading into their exams and will help you to better support them along the way.

Dr Libby Kemkaran-Thompson MA VETMB MRCVS, Kemkaran Consulting Ltd

40 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD

Move from command and control management to trust and inspire leadership. Come and discover how you communicate with other people and how to ooze charisma and charm to all 4 of the Big Cat Brains types.

When you know how and where to use your superpowers, you live in your zone of genius and you grow in confidence day by day. This behavioural psychology lecture will teach you how to ‘tame your team’ and help you ‘find your flow’ to keep your practice running at peak performance.

Bring your best cognitive diversity and let’s go!

Alice Hewitt BVetMed(Hons) MA PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS, Alice Hewitt Coaching

40 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD

Being a clinical coach is about more than just teaching. As a clinical coach, you have a unique and powerful opportunity to help someone to develop both personally and professionally; to use your wisdom, knowledge and experience to guide and support them.

The best way you can do this is by creating a strong and successful mentoring relationship with your student.

In this session, we’ll discuss how to establish a successful mentoring relationship, how to set boundaries with your student, how to deal with challenges and how to give effective feedback to keep you and your student on track.